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Anne-Marie Bird (She/Her) 

Services Manager

What do you do at Become?
I’m the Services Manager at Become, which involves overseeing and supporting the incredible team delivering our services for young people, including the Care Advice Service, Propel into Work, Propel into Education, Coaching and Link Up. My role includes ensuring our services offer high quality advice and support for young people, identifying and supporting opportunities to grow our reach, and making sure that every young person who needs our support can find it and access it. I also help shape our projects and initiatives to best meet the needs of all care-experienced young people, and the adults supporting them.
Can you say a bit about your past experiences and qualifications?
My background is in higher education, with 15 years of experience in programme management and widening participation. I’ve worked extensively to support care-experienced young people, from outreach with schools to on-course student support. I’ve led sector networks, driven collaboration and nationwide initiatives, supported charities, and provided strategic guidance as a trustee. I’ve also piloted innovative programmes to help care leavers transition into student life.
What do you like about working at Become?
There are so many things! First, the people—the team is made up of incredibly dedicated and compassionate individuals who care deeply about the young people we work with and the impact of our work. It’s such a privilege and honestly so motivating to work alongside colleagues who are so passionate and determined to make a difference. I also love that we take a holistic approach, combining practical support with amplifying young people’s voices and driving systemic change. Finally, having young people at the heart of everything we do—shaping our services and driving our campaigns—is both inspiring and reassuring, ensuring we are truly informed and have real impact where it’s needed.
What drives you?
Knowing the difference we can make in young people’s lives keeps me motivated. I’m driven by a deep sense of justice and a belief in the potential of young people to thrive when properly supported, and it’s a privilege to be part of a  journey towards many young people achieving their goals.
What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
When I’m not busy ferrying my two children to their sports and social activities, I love spending time outdoors. Walking the dog in the countryside is my go-to for some fresh air and easy exercise—and occasionally, I even manage to upgrade the walk to a slow run!