Aim high with Propel: higher education resource for care leavers increases its reach
Propel, The Who Cares? Trust’s online resource providing information about UK educational institutions’ pastoral and financial support for care leavers, has increased its reach to include data from 158 universities and 141 further education (FE) colleges that offer higher education (HE) courses this year. This means that Propel now offers care leavers information on 94 per cent of all HE institutions and 55 per cent of all FE colleges offering higher education courses.
Using Propel, young care leavers – and the carers and professionals there to help them – are able to make an informed choice about the right course at the right institution for them and ensure that they access all the support to which they are entitled. The website allows care leavers to compare the support offered by different universities and further education colleges, including the availability of 365-day accommodation, additional financial support and whether the institution has a member of staff responsible for supporting students with experience of the care system.
Propel also gives young people the chance to read inspirational stories from care-experienced students who have successfully made the transition from care to higher education, like Zion, Emma and Thomas.
Natasha Finlayson, Chief Executive of The Who Cares? Trust, said:
“We’re delighted to have received data from yet more universities and FE colleges this year, making Propel an even more comprehensive resource. As the website shows, there is support out there for care leavers who want to go to university or college, but they need to know where to find it and how to get it. With Propel, we aim to put some of the power back in these young people’s hands and give them the opportunity to see that higher education is within their reach.”