Become Care Advice Line Christmas Appeal
This Christmas, Become, the leading charity for children in care and young care leavers, is calling on you to ensure that the Become Care Advice Line can continue to thrive during 2017.
The Care Advice Line received over 500 enquiries since Christmas 2015, with the average caller being aged just 18. 30 per cent of those who called the Care Advice Line did so because they felt that their basic rights as a child in care were being denied to them, and 17 per cent called because of housing problems. All of these care experienced children and young people needed the kind of support that only caring and loving experts could provide.
Rufus Lacey, Advice and Support Officer at Become, said: “I work on the Care Advice Line every day and I have spoken to children in care and care leavers from every part of the UK.
“Without your support we simply won’t be able to continue with this service, one which the last few years have shown is so vital to the ongoing welfare of hundreds of care experienced children and young people.
“A regular gift to Become will ensure that the lights are kept on at the Care Advice Line for another year, but especially during the festive period a one off donation will go a long way to ensuring no children can’t get through to us.
“Become will never turn their back. Become will listen. Become will help care experienced children and young people push forward to the life they deserve.”
You can make a regular gift, or a one off donation, by visiting our website or by texting: ‘CALL17 £5’ to 70070
In care or a care leaver? Looking for help and advice? Talk to us in confidence – online or over the phone. Freephone: 0800 023 2033