What is my care leaver status?
Helping you understand the terms used in the care system
We know you are more than labels. We are here for you.
‘Relevant Child’
If you…
- Have left care
- Are aged 16 or 17
- Spent more than 13 weeks in care since the age of 14
- (including time on or after your 16th birthday)
…then your care status is a ‘Relevant Child’.
‘Former Relevant Child’
If you…
- Have left care
- Are aged 18-25
- Spent more than 13 weeks in care since the age of 14, including time on or after your 16th birthday
- Have not returned to live in your family home for more than 6 months before you turned 18
…then your care status is a ‘Former Relevant Child’.
Qualifying Care Leaver
If you…
- Have left care
- Are aged 18-21 or 25 if still in full-time education
- Were in care for less than 13 weeks since the age of 14, including some time on or after your 16th birthday
- Left care aged 16 or 17, and returned to your family home in a planned move for 6 months or more before you turned 18
- Were in care before being cared for under a Special Guardianship Order
…then your care status is a ‘Qualifying Care Leaver’