Help for Scottish universities and colleges
We would be delighted if your university or college would support our Propel initiative.
Did you know?
Only 13%
of care leavers in England progressed to higher education by age 19, compared to 45% of the general population (2020/21)
Only 8%
of children who were in care in Scotland entered Higher Education, compared to 45% for all school leavers.
Propel aims to address these issues by helping more care-experienced young people enter universities and colleges and complete their courses.
Propel is run by Become – a national charity that supports young people in care and care leavers. Since 2015 we’ve been collating information on what is available for care-experienced young people from all the institutions which provide higher education in the UK and publishing it online.
Each institution has its own dedicated page containing an overview of the support it offers to care leavers, for example, finance and funding, accommodation, and application support, It also includes additional information gathered by Unistats on courses available.
If the information on the support you offer for care leavers has not already been submitted by your institution, we would be delighted if your university or college would support this initiative.
You can submit your entry here.
Inclusion in Propel is completely free.
If you have any questions, want to make changes to your existing entry or would like to discuss your institution’s involvement in more detail, please feel free to contact the Propel team.