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Jade speaks to News 

On the day of the release of the Spotlight Inquiry from the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Looked After Children and Care Leavers, Jade Barnett, a young care leaver we work with, shared her experiences of instability in the care system and the care cliff with 5News.

"It breaks you. It makes you feel like you're excluded from the people you love.”

Jade spoke passionately about the uncertainty she faced while in care, being moved homes and schools repeatedly, and the negative impact that had on her making friends and maintaining community connections.

We would like to thank Jade for her honesty, and for sharing her story with 5News. 

Care leaver and owner of Sugarcane London, Chef Tee, also shared his experience of the care system and homelessness. 

“I had no home to live. I was living out of a bag.”

Our CEO, Katharine Sacks-Jones, was interviewed about findings from the Spotlight Inquiry and recommendations for changing the current system. Download the Spotlight Inquiry here.

If you’re a care-experienced young person and would like to share your experiences, speak about issues with the care system, and more – sign up to join the movement today.


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Jade speaks to 5 News

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