Response to consultation on national standards for independent and semi-independent settings (2021)
Become's response to the Government's consultation on the introduction of national standards for independent and semi-independent settings for children in care and care leavers aged 16 and 17.
Become welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the consultation on the government’s proposed national standards for independent and semi-independent provision. Given Become’s role, we have responded to the questions most relevant to children in care and young care leavers, drawing on what young people with experience of care (and particularly independent and semi-independent settings) tell us about their experiences through our advice, support and participation activity.
Although we respond to the questions included in the version of the consultation intended for charitable sector organisations, the content is based on discussions with care-experienced young people using many of the questions included in the version for children and young people. We are extremely grateful to everyone who spoke with us for sharing their time and expertise to support this response. Below, any indented and italicised text surrounded by quotation marks is a verbatim quote from a care-experienced young person who contributed to this response