What is the #ItsOurCare Day of Action?
Find out more about the #ItsOurCare campaign and Day of Action at Parliament on 22 June
On 22 June, over 100 care-experienced young people will travel to Parliament to speak directly with decision-makers about what needs to change in the care system. This ‘Day of Action’, is part of the joint #ItsOurCare campaign.
Young people will be sharing their expert views and ideas face-to-face with MPs and government ministers, calling on them to listen to – and act upon – the experiences of the 80,000 children in the care system today.
Why is the Day of Action happening?
The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care, published last month, presents an opportunity for radical reform in the care system.
Now, it is imperative that the government set out exactly how they will consult with care-experienced young people on these reforms. Listening to the views of those with lived experience is crucial to ensure the right changes are made to the care system.
That’s why seven children’s charities have joined forces to deliver the #ItsOurCare campaign, which creates opportunities for young people to share their views on the care system directly with decision-makers.
Our Day of Action is a vital part of this campaign.
How do I get involved?
If you are not one of the 100 young people who signed up to join the Day of Action in person, you can still get involved and support #ItsOurCare by telling MPs your wish for the future. We will display your wishes at the Day of Action.
The link below takes you to a form where we ask you to tell MPs what you wish for the future care system. If you have more than one wish, you are very welcome to complete the form more than once.
Tell MPs your wish for the future
What will you do with these wishes?
Your wish will be displayed for MPs and other decision-makers to see at the Day of Action. Your wish may also be shared on #ItsOurCare social media.