Communications Manager
What do you do at Become?
As Communications Manager, I’m responsible for raising awareness of Become’s work, increasing engagement with our key audiences, and putting issues affecting care-experienced young people firmly on the agenda. This includes working with the media, overseeing our digital communications (such as social media and website), and amplifying the voices of young people with experience of care.
Can you say a bit about your past experiences and qualifications?
I studied English Literature at KCL. After graduating in 2016, I volunteered to collect coats for Wrap Up London, helped achieve 700% organic online growth, and joined the committee to lead on comms. Meanwhile, I went from a marketing assistant at SeeAbility to an engagement and policy Charityworks trainee at the RCR, and then a communications manager at School-Home Support before joining Become at the end of 2020.
On a more personal note, many of my family members have been in care and my dad did maintenance for children’s homes across London in the 2000s, so I’ve had an understanding of what children in care face from an early age and it means a lot to be working for this cause and organisation.
What do you like about working at Become?
Power-sharing with young people, and the space to be creative and learn from our mistakes.
What drives you?
Creativity, community, and doing something meaningful about injustices.
What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
I love live music, have been learning the steel pan drum, and help out at The Close Encounter Club (give it a google). I also volunteer for the Literacy Pirates, am involved in Brixton anti-gentrification campaigns, and enjoy supporting other working-class women to find employment in the sector – if that’s you and you’d like a chat, email me 🙂