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About the care system 

Facts and statistics about the care system

Children are taken into the care of the local authority when they cannot remain at home.

This is because it’s not safe for them to stay at home.

That can be because of abuse or neglect, or because the child’s parent or guardian is unable to keep them safe.

Whatever a child or young person has dealt with beforehand, being taken into care is itself often traumatic.

Many young people come through the care system and flourish. Many—though not all—have loving, dedicated foster carers or residential workers, and encounter social workers who go the extra mile to fight for the opportunities and support that make all the difference.

But far too many children and young people don’t get the stability, love and support they need to heal and to thrive.

We have a vision of a better care system: one that ensures that all care-experienced people have the same chances as everyone else to live happy, fulfilled lives.


Three Key Facts

The number of children in care remains high.

In England alone, 83,630 were in care as at 31st March 2024.

In 2001, an estimated 1 in every 192 children were in care in England. Today, that figure has rocketed to 1 in every 143. In some areas of England, it’s almost 1 in 50.

peer-reviewed study published in The Lancet in 2022 concluded that 10,000 children entered the care system for reasons linked to poverty in the five-year period from 2015 to 2020.

Researchers predict that if we successfully reduced levels of child poverty in our society over the next decade, this could result in nearly 5,000 fewer children entering care.


Too many children are being placed far from home, in settings that don’t meet their needs. #GoneTooFar

Government figures show a 51% rise in the number of children in care placed more than 20 miles from home over the last decade.

Our own research has found that in 2023, on average, children in care in England were placed more than 18 miles from home in 2022.

Become also found that, in 2022, over 800 children in the care of local authorities in England were moved to Scotland or Wales. Some children in care were moved to placements more than 500 miles away.

There’s a crisis in the availability of suitable local placements, and that’s having a harmful impact on children in care. This crisis has already #GoneTooFar, and we’re calling on the government to act.


Too many young people are expected to leave care before they feel ready. #EndTheCareCliff

Nearly 4 in 10 young people leave care on the day of their 18th birthday. In a survey of care leavers, Ofsted found that more than a third felt they left care too early.

Young care leavers that Become supports have described the time around their 18th birthday as feeling like a “cliff edge”. For too many, there’s an expectation that they will become independent overnight—suddenly and without enough support. We’ve been told this feels “like being on death row, counting down the days”.

Every young person needs support to thrive. That’s why we’re calling for the government to #EndTheCareCliff.


Could you help us be there? 

Every pound you give will help to fund our campaigning and direct services for young people in care and young care leavers.

You’ll ensure there’s someone at the end of the phone when a young person calls for help and that the voices of care-experienced young people are amplified to bring about the change they want to see so no young person has to navigate the system alone.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Care System

Children are taken into care for many different reasons. Some of the most common include:

  • abuse or neglect, or a risk of abuse or neglect
  • a child’s parents being unable to look after them
  • there being no parent or guardian present to look after the child
  • a family crisis or breakdown that puts the child at significant risk of harm
  • a disability or illness suffered by the child or by their parent(s)

For some children and young people, being taken away from the home where they have been unsafe will be a relief. For others, being separated from their parents and/or siblings will be extremely distressing.

In some cases, children are taken into care against the wishes of their parents but, in other cases, the child’s parents might recognise that they are not safe in their care and consent to them being taken into the care of the local authority.

Research shows that children in the most deprived 10% of neighbourhoods are over 10 times more likely to be in care or on child protection plans than those in the least deprived 10%.

All Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) are children in care, and many UASC children have experienced significant trauma. In January 2023, the government has acknowledged that over 440 UASC children have gone missing from their placements since July 2021, and 200 were still missing.

As at 31st March 2024, the number of UASC children stood at 7,380, meaning that 9% of all children in care are now UASC children. UASC children are generally male (96%). They are also generally older, with only 11% being aged under 16 years, compared to 73% of all children in care.

Most children in care are aged between 10 and 17, but there are still significant numbers of young children in care. By age group:

  • 27% are aged 16 and over
  • 38% are aged 10-15
  • 18% are aged 5-9
  • 13% are aged 1-4, and
  • only 4% are under 1 year of age.

Children from Black, Mixed and Other ethnic groups are over-represented amongst children in care.

Male children make up 57% of all children in care, meaning that they are slightly over-represented compared to female children.

The majority of children in care (67%) live with foster carers. This is an approved carer who looks after the child.

The other 33% of children live in:

  • children’s homes, which are residential units with 24-hour support
  • secure units, which children are placed in either by the Youth Custody Service or when the local authority decides that no other type of placement can keep them safe,
  • in semi-independent living accommodation, where staff are employed to provide support and advice, but not to provide care, and
  • in other settings, such as with parents or another person with parental responsibility, in the community, living independently, in residential employment, or elsewhere.

85% of children’s homes are run privately and for profit. In 2022, the biggest private providers were operating at an unusually high profit margin of 19%, extracting £310m profit during that year alone, according to independent analysis. Local authorities report spending £14.5bn on children’s social care in 2023-24, compared to £6.6bn in 2012-13.

Over 6,000 children in care are living in semi-independent accommodation. These settings do not provide care. We have heard from many children in care that this often means being pushed into too much independence, too soon. The government has decided to regulate semi-independent accommodation, but this does not mean that children in these settings will receive care.

37% of children are separated from their siblings in the first place they live after entering care. Only 22% of children living in children’s homes live there with their siblings.

Too many children in care experience repeated changes to where they live. The most recent national statistics show that 1 in 10 children experienced high instability, defined as 3 or more placements in a single year.

Research from the University of Oxford has found that increasing for-profit outsourcing of places for children in care to live was consistently associated with more children living outside of their home local authority and with greater instability. The researchers estimated that an additional 17,001 instances of children living outside of their local authority area could be attributed to increases in for-profit provision from 2011 to 2022.

Removing a child from their parents is the most extreme intervention the state can make in family life.

When a child enters care, their local authority usually has what is called ‘parental responsibility’ for them. This is a legal concept, which gives a person or entity both rights and responsibilities in relation to a child.

In most cases, parental responsibility for a child in care is shared between the child’s birth parents and the local authority, but it is the local authority that has responsibility for making decisions about the child or young person. In some cases, parental responsibility is retained in full by the child’s parent. This happens if the child enters care under Section 20 of the Children Act (1989) instead of under Section 31. You can find out more about the many legal mechanisms by which a child can enter the care system here.

Birth parents only ever lose their shared or sole parental responsibility if their child is adopted. If a child is subject to a ‘Special Guardianship Order’, then it is their Special Guardian who shares parental responsibility with their birth parents, without the local authority being involved.

In all cases, parental responsibility dissolves as soon as a child reaches their 18th birthday, but local authorities, as ‘corporate parents’, continue to have certain responsibilities to support young care leavers until they turn 25.

Local authorities are ‘corporate parents’ to children in care. They are required by law to abide by the seven corporate parenting principles set out in the Children and Social Work Act (2017). These responsibilities extend to everyone who is employed by or who acts on behalf of the local authority.

The seven corporate parenting principles state that corporate parents must:

  • act in the best interests of and promote the health and wellbeing of children and young people in care
  • encourage children and young people in care to express their views, wishes and feelings
  • take into account the views, wishes and feelings of children and young people in care
  • help children and young people in care to access the full range of services provided by the local authority and partners
  • promote high aspirations, and secure the best outcomes, for children and young people in care
  • ensure the safety of children and young people and provide stability in their home lives, relationships and education, and
  • prepare children and young people for adulthood and independent living.

In Scotland, corporate parenting duties have been expanded to apply to a number of public bodies, ranging from NHS Health Boards and Police Scotland, to Creative Scotland and Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

In the year ending 31st March 2024, over 13,050 children left care on their 18th birthday.

Young care leavers are expected to live much more independently at a much earlier stage than their peers. Once they have left care, these young people are not necessarily able to rely on the support of their former carers in the same way that other young people are able to turn to their parents for support.

In stark contrast to the huge numbers of 18-year-old care leavers, ONS data shows that the average age for young people to leave the parental home is more than five years later, at over 24 years of age.

In a survey of care leavers, Ofsted found that more than a third felt they left care too soon.

However, children leave care at different ages and for many different reasons. In the year ending 31st March 2024, over 32,000 children left the care system overall. Of these children:

  • 5,740 left care because it was appropriate for them to return home to live with their parents or another person with parental responsibility, and this was part of the care planning process
  • 3,860 were subject to a Special Guardianship Order
  • 4,230 moved into independent living, and
  • 2,980 were adopted.

Care leavers consistently experience less positive outcomes than the general population:

  • In 2023/24, 39% of care leavers aged 19-21 were Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET), which is more than three times the rate for those without care experience
  • Just 15% of children in care progress to higher education by the age of 19, compared to 47% of all pupils
  • Young care leavers are ten times more likely to have received an immediate custodial sentence than young people who have not been in care
  • Care-experienced young people are nine times more likely to face homelessness than other young people.

Become is the national charity for children in care and young care leavers in England. In England alone, 83,630 children were in care as at 31st March 2024.

Across the whole of the UK, there are an estimated 107,043 children in care.

At the time of writing, the most recent data showed that there were 12,206 children in care in Scotland, 7,208 in Wales and 3,999 in Northern Ireland.

Become is part of the ‘Five Nations, One Voice’ alliance of organisations that represent children in care and young care leavers across the UK and the Republic of Ireland. The other members of the alliance are:

Become's work to improve the care system