Policy and research
Our policy responses, lobbying, research, submissions and more.
Policy and research
What we do to improve the care system
Reports, responses and research
We produce research reports, briefings on key policy issues, consultation responses and other resources to help shape policy and make it the best it can be for children in care and care leavers.
Reports and responsesOur campaigns
We work alongside young people with experience of care to identify problems and find solutions to improve the care system, campaigning on the changes we want to see.
Our campaignsAll-Party Parliamentary Group for Care-Experienced Children and Young People
We act as the secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Care-Experienced Children and Young People (APPG) and have done so since helping to establish the group in 1998.
APPGAbout the care system
Find out the key facts and statistics about the care system
Help campaign for change
By standing in solidarity with the 100,000 young people in care today, you can help support our vision that care-experienced people should have the same chances as everyone else to live happy, fulfilled lives.