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Solution-focused approaches 

Solution-focused approaches to working with care-experienced young people

What’s it about?

This training explores the theory of using Solution Focused Approaches with care-experienced young people (CEYP). Rather than trying to understand and fix problems, a solution focused approach is a TOOL for exploring a CEYP’s ‘preferred future’ in detail. It makes use of Preferred Future questioning, Scaling Frameworks and Miracle Questions techniques to focus on when the problem is solved and then identifying the possible resources and strengths the young person has for attaining that future.

Course Participants will learn about: 

  • The theory behind Solution Focused Approaches  
  • A basic working knowledge of the principles of Solution Focused Approaches  
  • Where might a solution focused approach work?  
  • How to effectively use Preferred Future questioning, Scaling Frameworks and Miracle Questions.

Who is this for?

Any professionals/carers working alongside care-experienced young people e.g. 

  • Social Workers 
  • Personal Advisors 
  • Foster Carers 
  • Residential Workers 
  • Key Workers 
  • Youth workers 
  • Designated Teachers 
  • Pastoral Leads in Schools/Colleges/Universities 
  • Student Services Staff 
  • Job Coaches 
  • Public Services Staff. 

How is the course delivered?

  • Face-to-face at your organisation’s venue: 3 guided learning hours / half day 
  • Online: 3-hour session  

How much does it cost?

  • Face to face: £730+VAT
  • Online: £730+VAT

Further info

To find out more or arrange a training date, please email [email protected] or call our Training Team on 07498 774914