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Regional statistics about the care system 

Want to make care better in your area? Read more, download the graphics and share our asks.

We have been looking at national and regional statistics for the care system to help you understand what’s happening in your area.

The statistics

  • The number of children in care
  • The % of children living more than 20 miles from home
  • The number of care leavers who presented as homeless (in 2023 alone)
  • The % of care leavers NEET (ages 19-21 only)
  • Cost of adverse social outcomes from failing to give care-experienced young people the support they deserve*

We know spending on early intervention services has fallen by 46% in the last 12 years. In the same period, spending on late interventions such as the care system has increased by almost half (47%) – but the care system is not meeting the needs of young people. The next Government must have higher aspirations for care-experienced children and young people and deliver meaningful change.

Find your area below, download & share the graphic and read our manifesto asks to the next Government on how to make care better for children and young people. 

* Regional cost figures are estimated, based on the national cost of inaction and the population of children in care in each region. Based on costings by Alma Economics for the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care.

Facts & stats about your region

Our manifesto 

It's time to show we care. What we are calling on party leaders to do:

  1. Urgently reform the care system so every child has the love, care and stability they need.
  2. Make children’s relationships a key consideration in all decisions.
  3. End the care cliff so young people can make a positive start to adulthood.
  4. Improve the support provided to children and young people by other public services.
  5. Put young people’s voices at the heart of the care system.

Regional statistics about the care system

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