Young Trainers' Takeover webinar
As part of National Care Leavers' Week, we hosted two Young Trainers' Takeovers for professionals to hear directly from care-experienced young people.
The care cliff must end. In an ideal world, all care leavers would be able to stay with their foster carers post-18 to not risk homelessness.
⎯⎯ Lucinda, 26
The theme for National Care Leavers’ Week (NCLW) 2023 was CARE.
CARE stands for:
‘C’ for Celebrate care leavers
‘A’ for Amplify their voices
‘R’ for Raise awareness of challenges
‘E’ for Encourage change in policy in practice.
As part of NCLW, we hosted two webinars where our brilliant Young Trainers’, Lucinda and Amir, hosted a Takeover where they led a session to train professionals in what changes need to be made in the care system. They covered a range of topics including challenges in education, Staying Put and the Care Review.
You can hear the audio recording from one of the sessions below.
In an ideal world, we want a lot of money because that's what Josh MacAlister talks about in his Review. We need billions to help and sort out different stages but unfortunately that's not happening.
⎯⎯ Amir, 23