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Care Experienced History Month 

Find out more about Care Experienced History Month.

What is Care Experienced History Month?

Care Experienced History Month (CEHM) takes place in April every year. It is a month dedicated to exploring the past of the care-experienced community, and amplifying stories of those who have been in care.

Looking back at legislation, policies & campaigns

“An Act for the Prevention of Cruelty to, and better Protection of, Children.” – 26 August 1889.

“An Act to reform the law relating to children; to provide for local authority services for children in need and others; to amend the law with respect to children’s homes, community homes, voluntary homes and voluntary organisations; to make provision with respect to fostering, child minding and day care for young children and adoption; and for connected purposes.” – 16 November, 1989.

The Who Cares? Trust (our previous name) is launched as a charity.

We organise the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Care-Experienced Children and Young People (APPG). This helps us influence politicians and put forward suggestions for change in the system.

The APPG was established in 1998 and Become has acted as ‘secretariat’ of the group since then. This means we are responsible for the organisation of the group.

“An Act to make provision about children and young persons who are being, or have been, looked after by a local authority; to replace section 24 of the Children Act 1989; and for connected purposes.” – 30 November 2000.

The only service to help care-experienced young people into further & higher education was launched by Become.

With four other charities for children in care, we launch Care Day – the world’s biggest celebration of children and young people with care experience!

We want to permanently #EndTheCareCliff and the expectation of ‘independence’ asked of young people as they approach 18.

Too many young people are expected to leave care before they feel ready, falling at a time in their life when they need stability the most.

In 2020, we launched our #EndTheCareCliff campaign.

*but no guarantee for 16+.

The Spotlight Inquiry heard from 300+ people with experience of the care system, of which 130 were care-experienced young people across England.

What makes young people feel part of the communities that matter to them? And how does the care system help and hinder them in feeling part of those communities?


Including 13 recommendations pushed for by Become. Read our submission here.

We launched our report findings and our campaign to keep children in care close to the people and places that matter to them. We gained media coverage from the BBC, Channel 4, the Independent, ITV & the iNewspaper Winter Appeal.

We organise the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Care-Experienced Children and Young People (APPG). On 5 March 2024, the APPG published its report with the findings from this inquiry.

The report listed 14 recommendations to the Government. Thank you to all the care-experienced children and young people and everybody who contributed to this inquiry.

We understand things aren’t right with the current care system, and a lot needs to change. We want to see our two campaigns, #GoneTooFar & #EndTheCareCliff, made history.


  • Our campaign to keep children in care close to the people and places that matter to them.
  • Over 17,000 children are moved 20+ miles away each year, often without warning – with some children moved more than 500 miles and the number of children experiencing these far away moves is rising year on year.
  • “When young people are suddenly thrown into an area they don’t know and have to start a new life away from their family and friends and even people that look like them, it is extremely difficult.” – Jade

We’re calling on the Government to:

  1. Commit to stop children being moved miles from home (unless in their best interests)
  2. Develop and publish national and local strategies to increase the supply of appropriate local options, so that children don’t have to be moved miles away from their support networks.


  • We want to permanently #EndTheCareCliff and the expectation of ‘independence’ asked of young people as they approach 18.
  • Young care leavers that Become supports have described that time as a “cliff edge” or “like being on death row, counting down the days” until their 18th birthday when their placements are abruptly stopped, and they are expected to become ‘independent’ overnight – often without the support that every young person needs to thrive.

We’re calling on the Government to:

  1. Extend the Staying Put and Staying Close schemes for all care-experienced young people up to 25, and ensure the schemes are fully funded.
  2. Provide an enhanced offer of support for all young people leaving care, which includes targeted support across health, education, employment, housing, relationships, and financial support.
  3. Create legislation to share corporate parenting responsibilities across a wide range of public bodies and authorities, following consultation with care-experienced young people. 

Blogs for Care Experienced people

For Care Experienced History Month, we asked people to share what they want to see made history in the care system.

Care Experienced History Month Resources

Articles to read


Making history in 2023

Barry Keoghan’s Oscar nominationBarry inspired many care leavers with his Oscar nomination


Support for Care-Experienced people

Advice and support during CEHM

Our Care Advice Line is open for children in care and young care leavers, Monday to Friday 10am-5pm.

Freephone 0800 023 2033 or email [email protected]

If you would like specific support around bereavement, we recommend reaching out to:

Cruse Bereavement Care
Helpline open 9am-9pm Monday-Friday, 0808 808 1677

Hope Again
This is the youth website of Cruse

NHS advice and support
On grief, bereavement and loss

If you’re a young person struggling with your mental health, you can also check out the following charities:

0800 1111

Young Minds
For urgent help, contact the Young Minds Crisis Messenger by texting YM to 85258

The Mix
0808 808 4994

Family Action
0808 802 6666 or 07537 404 282

If you’re under 35 and struggling with suicidal feelings, you can call Hopeline on 0800 068 4141,
or email [email protected] or text 07786 209 697

If you are a care-experienced adult and would like support or someone to listen, we recommend reaching out to:

Care Leavers Association
0161 826 0214

Rees Foundation
0330 094 5645

116 123

Where Care Experienced History Month started

April 2021 was the first-ever Care Experienced History Month (CEHM), a month dedicated to celebrating and commemorating the lives of care-experienced people.

CEHM aims to:

  • Bring to light the experiences of care-experienced people, both past and present
  • Celebrate those who are no longer with us
  • Explore how care-experienced people are embedded within global heritage and culture
  • Call for global recognition of the role of states in the history of care-experienced people
  • Raise awareness of what it means to be care-experienced
  • Organisations and individuals across the world will join in amplifying the stories of those with care-experience and highlighting the key issues impacting those currently in the care system.

Organisations and individuals across the world will join in amplifying the stories of those with care-experience and highlighting the key issues impacting those currently in the care system.

International Care Experienced Day of Remembrance

We also took part in ‘Care Experienced Remembrance Day’ on Friday 30 April to recognise the memory of care-experienced people who have been lost.

On the day, we encouraged people to post the Care Experienced Remembrance Day symbol on their social media, plus a link to our CEHM resources – as well as a message dedicated to those who have been lost.